5 Day Core & Pelvic Floor Experience!!!

For JUST $111

(Join today for Instant Access)

Get on top of your Leaky Bladder, Bulging Stomach, Aching Back, and Prolapse, like NOW!!!

Im going to blow your mind and totally transform your Core & Pelvic Floor Health for LIFE.

This is for EVERY women, any age.

Its the critical stuff that no-one has ever taught you.

There are no sit-ups, no crunches, no diets, or crazy exercises (in fact i'm going to teach you why these things are actually making your bulging stomach, back pain & leaky bladder worse 😳😳)

Get this right and it transforms your life on so many levels.

🙋‍♀️Flat stomach (even though you have already tried E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G, this is the missing piece of the puzzle)

🙋‍♀️Strong healthy back & pelvis(S.E.R.I.O.U.S.LY pain free for life💃)

🙋‍♀️Being able to jump on a trampoline, run, laugh, cough and sneeze without leaking

🙋‍♀️Improve your sex life and your orgasms (hey maybe even kick it off again😯)

🙋‍♀️ENJOY any activity with confidence in your body and knowing how to keep your body safe (running, pilates, weights)

🙋‍♀️AVOID prolapse (thats where things fall out of your v*gina. Its so freaking common in women, that we really need to talk about this openly and learn this stuff to AVOID it. And its happening to women in their 20s & 30s too)

🙋‍♀️Build a body that will serve you well for LIFE. Like FOREVER. Your body should be the last thing that holds you back and stops you living life in the way you want to live life(Trust me you want this. Ive seen the other side, it ain't pretty. and it affects 50% of women. A body that is in pain, with bent over posture, worrying where the toilets are constantly, needing surgery, struggles to be active. We are going to build an awesome body, with a healthy and well functioning CORE & FLOOR that supports every movement you make )

🙋‍♀️Confidence, sexiness, and a rockin body that FUNCTIONS optimally

The Details

15 Minutes a day for 5 Days. The most impactful 15 minutes you can spend. (Recordings available so you can watch at anytime).

I will teach you everything you need to know, answer your burning questions and TOTALLY BLOW YOUR MIND.

You will learn stuff about your body you have never been taught.

And there will be a Facebook support group where you will have access to me for the 5 Days.

The Investment is $111 (seriously the best money you could ever spend)

Why am I doing this at such a crazy cheap price???

Basically I AM SO PASSIONATE about this stuff.

Every women deserves to know how to protect her core & floor for life and I want every women to avoid the perils of core & floor dysfunction.

Jump in and book your spot.

Tell your friends! Tell you mum!tell your grandmother. Tell every women you know.

This one is going to be HOT.

Secure your spot today!!
Julie xx