Hey! I’m Julie
Pre & Post Natal GURU, Women’s Health & Fitness Specialist, Core & Pelvic Floor Expert. Endorsed by OB’s, GP’s & Physio’s.
Lover of Fun, Sun & Ocean, Mum of Two
I help women, mums & mums to be, regain control of their body, energy & self-esteem without crazy diets or destroying themselves through unsafe exercise, so they are bursting with confidence & can keep up with their family.
We Are Recognised By

Over 14,000 Mums & Counting
Over the past 15 YEARS I have helped over 14,000 women. I have become one of the industries most sought after experts in Pre/Post Natal & Women’s Health & Fitness, becoming well known for my world class standards in helping women overcome pelvic floor weakness, prolapse, abdominal separation and back and pelvic pain.
I’m the “go to” strategist for thousands of women looking to get back in shape safely and for good.
My purpose is to be a guiding light for mums & mums to be by helping them find their healthiest, happiest, most vibrant self.
By helping women understand what their body is going through and what needs to change in their approach to their health and fitness to stop "the changes" from controlling them, as they progress through each stage of motherhood from pregnancy, right through menopause.
Think of it as the start of a new journey, one that you will LOVE.
Active Mum Was Born…
I still remember the day I “officially” realized that doing “normal” exercise while pregnant was doing lifelong irreversible damage to my body.
As a Fitness Professional I was a role model to every participant that attended my classes, and I was ruining their body too.
My life & career as I knew it would never be the same again.
It was a bit of a blow, but also the start of an interesting new journey.
A Journey that helped myself & thousands of women reclaim control of our changing bodies, & feel confident as we live the best years of lives.
At this stage I had been a Fitness Trainer in the Fitness Industry for 10 years. I was a senior trainer, I had a university degree (95% of Fitness Trainers are not university qualified) and I had up-skilled with so many courses.
I prided myself on being well educated and highly skilled at what I did. I was a very good trainer… and I would proudly stand up and teach my classes at the big name gyms.
I was about 20 weeks pregnant with my first child, and I was teaching a popular class at the gym, making sure I was doing the things that I was taught kept me “safe” while I was pregnant.
You know like not getting my heart rate too high, or laying on my back doing sit ups… I had it nailed, or so I thought….
Until I started to experience really sharp pain in my pelvis. The pain became crippling as I walked and even putting my pants on hurt.
I went to see a Women’s Health Physio and found out that I was experiencing Pelvic Pain or PSD or SIJ pain and Abdominal Separation. She explained to me that the exercises I was doing were not safe for my pregnant body (they were in the guidelines of keeping my baby safe) but I was doing damage to my pelvic floor, pelvis and stomach muscles that would impact me for life.
I was angry... I was furious… I cried…. I sobbed…. How could my years of education not taught me this? How could I have been in the Fitness Industry 10 years, completed every course under the sun and never been told this.
50% of women that have had a baby suffer Prolapse & Incontinence and 30% suffer Abdominal Separation. Why were we not being educated on this? The truth was, that I was an amazing trainer, with a great education, but the inner workings of the Pregnant and Post-Natal body were just not covered anywhere in the Fitness Industry.
How could I ever get up and teach a class again in the gym as a role model, knowing what I now know?? I started to look for a program I could attend that would train my body in the right way for pregnancy, birth and life as a mum. There wasn’t anything.
And so… the Active Pregnancy Active Mum Program was born.
I worked closely with a women’s health physio and dedicated the next 15 years of my life to ensuring that pregnant women & mothers didn’t damage their body the way I had.
I learnt a great deal about everything that happens to a women’s body as they go through their motherhood journey from pregnancy, motherhood and menopause.
Countless hours and thousands of dollars have gone into research, learning and program development & refinement over the last 11 years to create world class programs to support pregnant women, mums after birth and mums in their midlife.
And so… the Active Pregnancy & Active Mum and Bubs Programs were born.
I worked closely with a Women’s Health Physio and dedicated the next 16 years of my life to ensuring that pregnant women & mothers didn’t damage their body the way I had.
I learnt everything that happens to a women’s body as she transitions through pregnancy, motherhood and menopause.
Countless hours and thousands of dollars in research….
Countless hours and thousands of dollars have gone into research, learning, program development & refinement over the last 16 years to create world class programs to support pregnant women, mums after birth and mums in their midlife.
I’ve experienced the moments of joy and exhilaration that being pregnant and being a mum brings… and also the lowest moments of wondering if I would ever get my body back, the moments of anger at my body for “breaking” and wondering if I would ever recover from the “damage” caused during pregnancy.
The back pain, the aching in my pelvis, the leaking, the tummy that still looked pregnant, the sadness as my clothes didn’t fit!!! The sense of loss of self, the loss of confidence.
Juggling all the balls and being everything to everyone else and not spending an ounce of time on myself, the days where I felt totally exhausted and didn’t feel like I had the energy to get up, little lone look after another human being. The realization that in everything I do and say, I am a role model for my children.
I’ve now realized after personally coaching over 15,000 mums and mums-to-be during the last decade, that my story isn’t unique.
The good news is that there’s a better way… and that is what I have dedicated my life’s to work to. Whether you’re pregnant, a new mum, a mum with toddler, a mum with school children, a mum in menopause I have a program that is specifically designed for you at that phase in your life journey.
My aim is to help you understand what your body is going through and what needs to change in your approach to your health and fitness in order to stop "the changes" from controlling you, as you progress through each stage motherhood.
Think of it as the start of a new journey, one that you will LOVE.
We Are
A Village
We are not a regular gym. We are a village where real women can connect without judgement. There are no taboos. It’s a safe place for women to work on their health, fitness and mindset. We are a community for real women, eating real food, doing do-able exercise and juggling real mum life.
We are the experts in pre, post-natal & women’s health. We are known for our world-class standards in helping women rebuild their bodies, fitness, energy & strength. Working with pelvic floor weakness, prolapse, abdominal separation and back & pelvic pain are all second nature to us. All of our programs are super fun and designed specifically for the female body.
Your babies & children can be part of the program. Connect with your little ones and be active at the same time. No babysitter or creche needed.
Village Rules
Impossible is not an option
Strengthify yourself, you got this. Poonamis, tantrums, and mumma-overloading moments will not take you down.
Put your oxygen mask on first
An oxygen depleted mumma can’t help others. Nurture your Body, Mind & Soul, so you can be the most loving, supportive and caring mum you can be.
Realness is hot
Realness is hot. Eat real food (a little bit of chocolate, cake or wine never hurt anyone!), have real & raw conversations and show up as your true self. We are in this together!
Create ripples of positivity
A tiny smile and kind act can go a long way.
Fun is fun
Don’t take yourself too seriously.