Bounce Back After Baby Program!

Yeeessssss you have had the baby!!!
Now its time to sort out what’s happened to your BODY.
Inside & Out!
Its time to start feeling HEALTHY, HAPPY, CONFIDENT and STRONG!
Look I get it… being a Mum and getting your body back to “normal” can be extremely frustrating & overwhelming, it isn’t easy.
Most women don’t even know where to start to get help and feel like their “old gym” isn’t the place for them anymore and they don’t feel safe (rightly so, we have seen crazy-life-long-damage done when a mum takes on incorrect training)
BUT…. enter Active Mum… we make it supa-doopa-simple. Whether you are a new mum or have a full house, we’ve got you covered.
Bouncing Back has never been easier with our expert team and proven program.
We weave our sparkly-unicorn-postnatal-guru-magic into our coaching program to rebuild your body from the inside out.
You’ll drop the “baby weight & mummy tummy” AND we’ll resolve & prevent any issues - such as pelvic floor weakness, prolapse, abdominal separation, and back & neck pain that are keeping your body stuck.
Basically… you’ll be leaping into life, with your body back to full function, feeling healthy, strong, sexy, toned, energized & confident with people saying “OMG look at you, what’s your secret??” (insert Active Mum)
Our Bounce Back After Baby Coaching Program is all about rebuilding the muscles and external & internal structures after having bub, so the body/ core/ pelvic floor/ back/ joints etc return to their pre-pregnancy state… or even better and you can do mum-life-with ease.
You spent 9 months GROWING.A.HUMAN, your body is INCREDIBLE, now its time to dedicate to rebuilding your body, honouring your body, caring for your body, so it serves you well for the rest of your life AND you have the strength & energy to look after you & your family.
Here’s what you will get!
• Regain your pre-baby body! Be even better than you were before. Farewell forever to ballooning weight, wibbly-wobbly tummy, bingo wings, flat-mum-bum & muffin tops. Hellloooooo sexy-toned mumma, confidently rocking that swimming costume.
• Find your AB’S again & learn how to PROPERLY activate & train your CORE. Um, YOU. GREW. A. HUMAN (or two or three) …your stomach muscles took a vacation, maybe they totally left the building. We show you HOW to get them firing & how to work them correctly, so you can lose your mummy tummy safely and for good.
• Rebuild your pelvic floor and learn how to protect it FOR LIFE. Say “Goodbye and see-ya-later” to leaking & feeling like your vagina is going to fall out. You’ll be able to run around with your little ones, heck, even jump on a trampoline with CONFIDENCE!!
• STRENGTH-IF-Y your BODY- (strength-if-y, that’s my combination of strengthen & simplify) my super-simple highly effective system dives straight into to getting all those muscles that have switched off strong again, so you can run, hop, skip & jump and get back to doing all the things you love without.getting.injured
• BANISH BACK PAIN forever!!! You’ve got prams to lift and push and babies to carry! Learn to take care of your back and be pain free for life.
• Fix that “mummy posture” You know what I’m talking about right??? That rounded back & neck, protruding chin, sway back, hitched hip or tummy shelf that we rest baby on. You may have even caught your reflection in the shop window and suddenly thought “OMG is that me or my bent over nanna”. I promise we will sort that sh*t out. You’ll be standing tall and strutting your stuff like a super model, in no time.
• Learn how to lift & hold baby, prams, capsules safely & effectively. Ain’t nothing worse than a mum who cant lift her baby because she busted her back getting the pram out of the car or baby out of the cot. Seriously THIS HAPPENS ALL.THE.TIME!! But not on my watch. My mummas are like strong super women who can confidently piggy back their kids while standing on one leg, juggling ten balls (well almost)
• Learn exercises to help correct abdominal separation & weakness. Honestly this just does not fix itself. Ever heard the story of the mum who got asked when she is due but she had her baby 5 years ago. Yep!!! Abdominal separation & weakness is at play. We gotta get on top of that. Like NOW. It’s never too late.
• Connections with other mums just like you. BEST.NEWS.EVER is you’ll make some new BFF’s along the way. You’ll feel so supported and uplifted you’ll look forward to hanging with us every session. Seriously Mums suffer next level FOMO if they miss a session. (If you do miss a live session, I’ve got you covered, you can catch the replay).
SPECIAL BONUS; Get our proven- Pre-Baby Body Family Friendly Eating Plan. Accelerate your results and nourish your body for super-mum type energy, while learning healthy eating habits to share with your family.
This is just for mums, designed by mums and taught by mums. We understand you and your babies needs and have supported thousands of mums just like you to be the most amazing women they can be.
Active Mum has been featured in Body and Soul magazine and has been recognized by hundreds of mums as providing the best Mums health and fitness services in Australia. We are known for delivering expert, safe, and highly effective results driven programs that are designed specifically for mums and mums to be at all ages and stages of life.
Unlike gyms & bootcamps that treat mums like the rest of their members, we recognize the unique challenges & concerns that affect every mums ability to adhere to an exercise program. We focus on providing an environment where mums can be comfortable, supported and have access to the expert knowledge they need to enable them to be the healthiest, most amazing women they can be.
If you haven’t bounced back as well as you would of liked, and need some extra support to find the old you, we are here and ready to help you.
Let’s get you feeling amazing!
Make a commitment to Rebuilding YOU. Leave an enquiry today, and let’s get you feeling confident, energetic, strong, supported and healthy.
Hear it from my Clients…
The me from 5 years ago would laugh at the idea of Joy loving anything to do with exercise or healthy food. But here I am, and there is so much that I do love about being an Active Mum. I love that I can work with both the physio and the trainers to watch for problem areas and target areas I need to strengthen, like my core. I love that I can pace myself and the exercises are tailored for where I am in my pregnancy or postpartum journey. I love that dedicating time to heal and strengthen my body gives me confidence as a woman and as a mum. I love that my four year old son gets to join me during class and witness me taking care of myself and my health. I love that even though the last thing I want to do after a sleepless night with a newborn is put on active wear and go to class, there are at least a dozen other women in my shoes who totally get it, and we can be exhausted and awesome together. I love that as a member of the community I get encouragement to appreciate and respect what my body has achieved, and that even though I would have been happy to take at least 9 months before fitting into my old clothes again (I mean, it takes 9 months to grow the baby, right?) I tried on an old dress last week and not only did it fit, I wore it out to drinks with my girlfriends and felt like a million bucks.
Active Mum has an approach to fitness and health that even an anti-exercise, pro-sugar person like me can fall in love with. It’s an approach that’s made me comfortable and confident in my own skin. And while I still enjoy caffeine, bacon and Tim Tams (who doesn’t?), I also enjoy being active and intentional about my health - it’s just part of who I am now. So thank you Julie, and thank you Active Mum community. I’m glad I succumbed to the peer pressure and joined you all those years ago! - Joy
Physically, I’m healthier than I’ve been in years. I eat well (almost all of the time – I love my food and I’m not superhuman!!) and I’ve lost all of my baby weight plus a couple of extra kilos on top (over 15kg in total!). I fit back into clothes I haven’t worn in years and even felt not just confident enough but actually excited to buy a new bikini for this summer! I feel like a completely new person – some of my friends now even think of me as the “sporty” one, which I never even imagined could happen!
I’m so appreciative for the ladies that sweat alongside me in class, laugh at my lame jokes, encourage me with their hard work and dedication and great facial
expressions. It’s lovely to have not just friendly faces in class but also other mums to hang out with during the week. I’m thankful for the many times the trainers have made me laugh, worked alongside me, and pushed me to keep Thank you, Julie and the Active Mum team, for creating a wonderful, safe space for women to improve their health and fitness together” - Charlotte
“I joined Active Mum when my baby was 4 months old. Being pregnant had caused a major disruption to my body. I wanted to get back into shape but didn’t know how to do it injury free. I love that I can bring my baby to class and the environment is so child friendly, and that the program is specifically made for our needs after having baby.
It helped me fix my core and the back pain from breastfeeding and carrying my baby. I really enjoy the variety in the classes. Ive got more energy, feel more toned and confident, which has helped me take better care of my baby. ” - Anastasia
“1 month after the birth of my 3rd baby I suffered a severe prolapse. I was in a lot of pain and doctors said I was limited in what I could do. It affected my ability to be a mum. I couldn’t pick up my toddler, I couldn’t pick up things of the floor. I could run around with my kids. It took a huge toll on me mentally.
When my four year old asked “mummy why do you cry everyday”, I knew I had to make a change. I did rehab work with a physio and when I got the all clear to exercise I tried other gyms but no-one really understood what my issues were.
I spoke with Julie at Active Mum and she put together a plan for my training. 9 months laterI can now do pushups on my toes, I can go for a run in the mornings, Im strong, Im confident, Im happy, my family is happy. I cannot recommend Active Mum highly enough. The whole experience” - Tae - Mum of 3