It took 7 years to wake up feeling totally ok☹️
The thing with trauma is it doesn’t just resolve over night.
The kids & I fled the situation 6.5years ago, we got out to safety (with help), but the thing with abuse is that it erodes so deep into every part of your being. That the ACHE in your belly and the FEAR, linger long, long after you are free of the situation.
In reality you are physically free, but mentally you are living in the thick of that sh*t for many many more years.
The last few months I have noticed the fog has started to lift and I feel a deeper sense of peace and contentment, but I’ve been working on it for the past 7 years.
This morning I got to thinking while I was doing my morning routine (you know my infamous 21 Minute routine that I talk about, the one that single handily helped me build a new life for the kids and I. I will tell you about it below, if you haven’t already heard the story!!!).
I was thinking that I am so so so relieved that all those years ago I set up this routine and I am so honoured that I stuck to it even on the days that I felt like CRAP!!
EVEN during the BUSY TIMES,
EVEN during the times when I felt like I just didn’t want to,
EVEN on the days when the DISHES were PILED UP and the washing needed doing.
EVEN when I was emotionally drained from days in family court,
EVEN on days the abuse & threats came through on text messages.
EVEN on days the kids were clingy and wouldn’t let me pee on my own
I gave myself those 21 Minutes and it really changed the ending to the story.
It took me out of SURVIVAL mode and helped me take decisive action to build a life I love, to look after my physical and mental health so I could show up as healthy, happy, well functioning human for myself, for my kids, for my clients.
It helped give me the energy to whether the sh*t storm I was facing and to be able to be present with my kids and play and have FUN.
I remember the day I made the conscious decision to put on my big girl pants, and prioritise my physical and mental health & happiness as the PRIORITY. I had to protect that above all else. It was VITAL. Because the reality was no one else was going to do that for me.
The day I made that decision to put ME FIRST!!! It was the afternoon the kids and I moved into the women’s shelter after we broke free. I first had to develop the system as a survival strategy 😳
Up until then, I had been a confident, strong business woman, and no one knew from the outside what what really going on. I put on a brave face, kept showing up to work, and just did everything I could to keep me and my babies safe and a roof over our head.
It didn’t work. My self-confidence was eroded and the life was drained out of me, I was a shell of myself, a crumpled mess, and when I found myself losing everything I had and living in a shelter, I knew I needed to start showing up for myself more powerfully than I ever had.
My kids were so young at the time and I knew I had to be “strong” for them. I had to find a way to not just survive, but to get back to feeling healthy, strong, fit, confident and energised, so I could tackle the situation with all I had. I had to make a new life for the children and I.
But I felt so broken and drained…
So here is what I did… each morning before the children woke up, I would take a towel and go and sit outside our room on the grass under the window so I could still hear them and keep my eyes on them.
Each morning I had approximately 21 minutes to myself and I needed the most effective way to work on myself.
And so this 21 minute system was born. I had 21 minutes to overhaul my mindset, do some exercise to get the endorphins flowing and become the healthiest, fittest, strongest, version of myself and to map out a path to change our current reality. So that is what I did.
I still take those 21 minutes today, all these years on. My little system became so powerful, it has helped me climb some pretty big mountains and it has helped transform the lives of thousands of other women
Those 21 Minutes became my saving grace
Those 21 minutes became my way to a new life for me and my children
Those 21 minutes helped me transform the way I thought and the way I felt
Those 21 minutes helped me manifest a new home for the kids and I and rebuild our life
REFLECTION TIME: As I look back now 7 years on, I am thinking how I originally devised my system to help me function and get through the day.
This morning I reflected on all the ways it changed my life, enhanced my life and helped me live from an empowered stance. I look back and think I am so f*cking glad I DIDN’T WAIT until it was a “better time” to start!!!
Because I made the decision 7 years ago to JUST START even though it didn’t feel like PERFECT TIMING, here I sit 7 years on HEALTHY, I LOOK and FEEL FABULOUS as F*ck, I have had ENERGY to run around and play with my kids🏃♀️
Ive been able to create a really successful business doing what I love, that fitted with looking after kids as a solo mum💖
I have empowered A LOT of WOMEN to transform their lives
I have built an entirely new life for us living by the beach where my soul is happy,
Ive set goals to design & create the LIFE I wanted and stayed focused on what was important for me and my family. And I have had a good quality of life while I did it.
The story could have been so different. I could have stayed STUCK in that abusive house.
I could have stayed STUCK in survival mode, just getting through the day, letting life just happen to me.
I could of accepted that my SPARKLE was LOST forever, and I could have not prioritised my health, gained an extra 20 kilos, hiding in the pantry at 3pm drinking wine and eating chocolate to cope with my daily reality!!!
I am so glad that I chose differently. I am so glad that I created my 21 Minute system seven years ago. I am so glad I prioritised filling up my own cup first!!
The thing is your HEALTH & HAPPINESS doesn’t wait for the dishes to be done, work to slow down, the kids to start sleeping better, or for little Joey to have less activities on.
WAITING for the perfect time doesn’t happen. The days, weeks, months and years keep ticking away, and ever so subtly your zest for life, your energy, your sparkle start to slowly erode.
And you wake up feeling like a FRAZZLED, FRUMPY, FRUSTRATED MESS, thinking WTF happened to my life. This was the sad reality for many of the women I have helped.
But all good stories have a HAPPY ENDING, for myself and for the 14,000 women I have coached in the last 15 years!!!
That system I created literally saved my life, transformed my life!!
AND its absolutely GENIUS in taking someone from feeling like a FRAZZLED, FRUMPY, FRUSTRATED MESS and REIGNITING their SUPER-POWERS so they can OWN their day, get back their sparkle and feel HEALTHY, HAPPY, ENERGISED, SEXY and FABULOUS as F*CK!!! In only 21 Minutes a day (FOR REAL!!)
The message today is STOP WAITING. Start prioritising YOU. TODAY. Because 7 years slides past quickly as f*ck!!
If you need a lil help with that. To cut through the confusion and take back control of your health, body and life I am the person that can help.
I’ll weave my SPARKLY UNICORN COACHING GURU magic and 12 weeks from now, sh*t will be a lot different.
If you are ready to start doing things a little differently send me a PM!! Or leave an enquiry on our site.
I’ll ask you a few quick questions over messenger to see if you are a good candidate to get the best result. If yes, I’ll invite you in. The enrolment process takes just a few minutes and we can get you into the Fabulous As F*ck Mastermind Group, where you’ll get immediate access to me and my focused attention and coaching and we’ll get you on my schedule ASAP!!
I look forward to you PM!!!