Its common but it not NORMAL.

No its not an old person problem, its not a problem just after birth. These are LIFE LONG PROBLEMS. We are talking about women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. Women of all ages are suffering these problems.

Yet the education for women on looking after their body, pelvic floor and core is seriously LACKING!!!

Here’s the thing: it is being swept under the rug…

❌no one is talking about it (suffering in silence, accepting it as their lot after having kids)
❌no one is talking about how to prevent that
❌no one is talking the early warning signs,
❌no one is talking about how to fix it (and when they do, surgery is normally discussed as the option)

This is a HUGE problem that is plaguing at least 50% of women.

50% of women that have had a baby are either wetting their pants, having things physically fall out of their vagina(bladder, bowel, uterus), or have a stomach that still looks pregnant years after birth.

Dare I say it, but if 50% of men were having something fall out of their penis, I am sure there would be a worldwide outcry.

We would be teaching young men how to look after their penis’s. When they were having babies we would teach them the things that were ESSENTIAL to make sure their penis served them well forever.

If they were into a sport, or running or in their gym workouts we would show them how to get back into that sport safely so that they didn’t do damage that resulting in years of them wetting their pants and things didn’t start slipping out of their penis.

But we don’t need to do that, because men don’t grow babies. Women grow babies, yet they are not taught how to look after the precious asset that is their body, so they don’t have a life time of PROBLEMS.

Embarrassing problems,
Problems that hold them back,
Problems that stop them doing things with their family like carrying the kids, running around and jumping on a trampoline.
Problems that rob them of their self confidence and cause them to hide away.
Problems that often lead to depression and anxiety,
Problems that can cause a lifetime of pain,
Problems that leave them feeling less than,
Problems that have them planning where the toilets are on every outing,
Problems that have them buying incontinence pads for the rest of their life,
Problems that affect their decision to have more kids,
Problems that cause pain during sex or total lack of satisfaction so they avoid it at all costs, Problems that lead to surgery like Hysterectomy.

Honestly, these problems could be prevented and I am on a mission to change the narrative. Change the way women look after their bodies. It is what I have dedicated my life work to.

I have been in the fitness industry 23 years, 15 years running my business Active Mum. I have seen some horrific examples of all those problems I listed above. I have helped change the lives of these women who are living these horror stories.

Because I have seen what I have seen, heard what I have heard (I have heard the personal stories of over 20,000 women), I see the world through very different eyes. I have these laser beam eyes that analyse every movement a person makes to see which muscles are on and if the core is firing, and if that movement is causing damage.

You walk down the beach front and see women doing exercise, I see movements that are causing damage to the pelvic floor and core. So I see vaginas falling out (not literally but I know the impact those exercises are having internally)

You see a women doing situps or pilates or some planks desperately trying to get a flat stomach. I see that her core and floor are not activating, her stomach is bludging forward while she does these exercises so she wont ever get the flat tummy, she will always have a bulge, I also see her placing pressure on her core and floor and I see the continued bladder leakage, and potential surgery. I see a women who gets disheartened and says “I cant get a flat stomach no matter how I try” and then she gives up.

You see a woman running with a pram, I see the years of leaking or prolapsing that will result (it’s very rare I see a women running who is activating her core and her glutes are firing to support her body while she runs. There is some very specific work we can do to get the body ready to run, so it doesn’t result in damage and injury)

You see a pregnant women working out in the gym at spin class or in pump or on the stepper, doing lunges. I see a women who will suffer pelvic pain, abdominal separation and pelvic floor dysfunction.

It is very rare that I come across a trainer that knows about the impact basic exercises, they deliver in their classes are causing damage. It is a specialised area after all.

I have helped thousands of women, and I have laser beam eyes that see what is going on in a womens body that is causing all of these problems. The way people exercise and move their body during day to day compounds these problems, it makes them worse.

Here's what needs to happen:

1. Teaching pregnant women about what happens to the pelvic floor and core and supporting muscles(gluts) while pregnant. How that will impact them for the rest of their life. How to protect it, strengthen it, and look after it for the rest of their life
2. Debrief on birth, trauma, body complications. Rebuilding Core, Floor and all the muscles to support the body.
3. Vital strengthening of the body after birth to rebuild
4. Support after miscarriage or termination
5. Education for women years after birth presenting with leaking bladders, prolapse (things falling out, slipping down, heaviness and dragging)
6. Teaching women of all ages who to exercise to protect and strengthen these precious bits
7. Teaching women of all ages how to do day to day activities (washing, dishes, groceries, kids in and out of car, moving furniture ect)
8. Protecting our body is VITAL. When there is a warning sign STOP. Seek help
9. Teaching women how to exercise after having kids to strengthen their body and keep it safe for the rest of their life.

Its not about being skinny, it's about having a body that functions well for the rest of your years. The bi-product when you get this stuff right is a perky bum and a flat stomach, get it wrong or do nothing about it and we suffer a life time of leaking bladder, prolapse, bulging stomachs, back pain, pelvic pain.

If you need help with this, chat with me directly here!!

I’ll ask you a few quick questions over messenger to see if you are a good candidate to get the best results. If yes, I’ll invite you in to work with me. The enrolment process takes just a few short minutes and we can get you into my Academy, where you will get immediate access to me and my focused attention and coaching and we’ll get you on my schedule ASAP!!




It took 7 years to wake up feeling totally ok☹️